The best advice
We advise you on how to acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge you need to recover soil fertility using ecological fertilisers and tillage/non-tillage work, as well as on how to increase biodiversity to achieve a more resilient agrosystem.
If the soil is fertile and the plants are nutritionally balanced, it is more difficult for pests to appear and we therefore achieve a biological balance that leads to optimum plant health, greater productivity, and better fruit quality.
What we do
We use beneficial microbiology to decontaminate natural resources.
We can provide easy, pocket-friendly decontamination solutions for water, soil and slurry, etc.
How we can help
We can help farmers manage their organic waste by working with them to transform their organic farm waste to produce valuable inputs that help restore soil fertility.
Treatments for degraded soils.
Soil is a natural resource that takes a long time to form, which is why it is considered a non-renewable natural resource. When a soil reaches maturity, it is in balance with its environmental factors and tends to acquire conditions suitable for good biological production. If this balance is disrupted, natural evolution changes and a series of processes occur that tend to lower soil quality. Land degradation affects large areas of the planet. Although some soils remain unaffected, many are under threat in the short term. The phenomenon of degradation can be seen in the loss of vegetation cover or in the decline of agricultural productivity, associated with important changes in the physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the soil. This makes it more vulnerable to erosion.
The following are some of the main changes that occur in degraded soils:
- Loss of soil structure, leading to a decrease in soil porosity and aeration.
- Compaction and crusting of topsoil.
- Decreased water retention capacity.
- Reduction of the rate at which rainwater infiltrates into the soil.
- Reduced availability of macronutrients in the soil (mainly assimilable phosphorus and nitrogen).
- Decline in soil micro-organism populations.
To reverse these situations, combined soil and plant treatments are necessary. These will increase the planted species’ resilience to adverse environmental conditions. For all these reasons, all ECOFERTI products are created rich in organic matter and have microbiologies and minerals that foster the regeneration of degraded soils.
The products for these treatments are: BIOFERTI 3Ms, BIOFERTI ORGÁN, BIOFERTI HUMIC y BIOFERTI AMIN6.
Treatments for correcting the most common plant nutrition deficiencies.
The first visible symptoms of mineral deficiencies appear when the soil is unable to provide what the plant or crop needs. Identifying the cause of the problem is vital before starting treatment and in some cases knowing which element is missing can be a complex task as a result of other variables, such as pests, diseases, lack of irrigation or sunshine, etc., all of which hinder the diagnosis of the problem.
The essential elements in plant nutrition are micro and macro-nutrients, which are minerals. They play an essential role in crop growth. If any of them are missing, the plant’s physiological functions come to a standstill.
Today, many soils contain large amounts of micro- and macro-nutrients that are not assimilated by the plant due to soil pH problems, nutrient blockages and land degradation.
ECOFERTI has a line of biofertiliser products enriched with micro- and macro-nutrients that guarantee rapid assimilation of all these nutrients by the crops owing to the fact that their formulation contains biological activity of microbial origin favoured by anaerobic fermentation processes.
Treatments in the slow-growth phase of crops.
Growth biostimulants promote plant development and improve their metabolism. This makes them more resistant to adverse conditions, such as prolonged droughts, pests and diseases and frost, etc.
BIOFERTI GROWTH is a fertiliser with amino acids that regulates and improves the physiological processes of the crops and makes them more efficient. It acts on plant physiology through different routes to improve crop strength, yields, quality and post-harvest fruit preservation.
Treatments for flowering and fruit set.
Treatments to promote fruit set with non-hormonal products formulated with specific components that have a direct effect on flowering, pollen production and fertility. BIOFERTI FLOWERING AND FRUIT SET is made up of calcium, boron, molybdenum, zinc and phosphorus, all of which are 100% soluble and assimilated immediately. This product strengthens and adds elasticity to the cells to strengthen the whole structure of the plant. The way it improves tissues, especially in species with low transpiration, such as fruit, considerably increases firmness and quality. In combination with boron, calcium increases pollen fertility, reduces flower malformations and decreases the abortion of newly set fruit, cracking and other physiopathologies resulting from its deficiency.
Crop rooting treatments.
A rooting agent is a product used to promote root growth in crops. The rooting agent stimulates the root, making it grow more and improving its nutrient- and water-absorption levels. Thanks to the use of rooting agents, the plant grows stronger and is protected from any damage or natural adversity by which it might be affected. Flowering will also be more abundant, which will lead to a higher fruit production.
Natural rooting agents are rich in elements such as potassium and phosphorus. These elements help the plants develop an abundance of secondary roots, thus increasing their capacity for absorbing nutrients. This increased capacity for developing secondary roots is favourable for plants throughout their life cycle and crop phases.
Certain substances of natural origin have a rooting effect, such as seaweed extracts or extracts of certain organic and vegetable matter. BIOFERTI ROOTING is a plant-strengthening biostimulant containing algae and amino acids that favour rooting and, together with phosphorus and nitrogen, they boost the plant metabolism and encourage the absorption of energy and nutrients.
Treatments for crop stress conditions caused by climatic changes.
Like all living things, plants receive external stimuli that trigger chemical and physiological responses in their behaviour. Variations in climate, phenology and insect populations can seriously restrict plant growth and development. These conditions are referred to as situations of stress. The concept of “stress” in plants implies the presence of an external factor, caused for example by the changing environment (abiotic stress), which has a negative impact on optimal growth, development and agricultural production. Plants can be found in situations of stress caused by extreme temperatures and an excess or lack of water, etc. Biostimulants are some of the most effective indirect methods to protect crops from the serious damage caused by these external variables.
ECOFERTI produces: BIOFERTI 3Ms,BIOFERTI MULTIMINERAL,BIOFERTI AMIN24,BIOFERTI AMIN6,BIOFERTI ALGAE,BIOFERTI GROWTH as biostimulants that prepare the plant for environmental situations of stress.
Strategies for bio-organic irrigation to optimise farm fertilisation.
Bio-organic irrigation is defined as the application of beneficial micro-organisms to plants through irrigation water. Its main function is to provide the crop with the food it needs in the right quantity and at the right time. ECOFERTI has the following products: BIOFERTI MAGNESIUM, BIOFERTI MANGANESE, BIOFERTI BORON, BIOFERTI ZINC, BIOFERTI IRON, BIOFERTI MOLYBDENUM, BIOFERTI CALCIUM, BIOFERTI AMIN6and BIOFERTI MULTIMINERAL which contain beneficial microorganisms that optimise fertilisation and improve the soil and your crops when applied through irrigation water.
Treatments for crop pest and disease control.
Pest and disease treatments are usually applied for two reasons: to control existing pests and diseases or to prevent them from appearing, as the problems become visible only when the plant has been damaged. It is therefore important to keep plants strong with adequate nutrition to make them resistant to pests and/or diseases. ECOFERTI has products that are effective in improving plant health, such as: BIOFERTI URTICA, BIOFERTI HORSETAIL, BIOFERTI COMPOST TEA, (etc)
Fattening treatments.
Achieving the best possible harvest with good fruit size and colouring is every farmer’s goal. Their marketability and profitability depend on these factors. This explains the importance of considering the application of fattening fertilisers and specialised biostimulants at the right time. BIOFERTI GROWTH is a fertiliser with fast-assimilation amino acids that not only make the fruit ripen earlier, but also increase the size of the fruit. In addition, they achieve consistency and excellent colouring and make the skin of the fruit more elastic, hydrated and firm thanks to the free amino acids and nutrients in its formulation. It also improves the post-harvest behaviour of the fruit, favours the formation of sugars and improves the degrees Brix.